Lo-Fi Muse #19-001

Lo-fi musings


A customer service officer was attending to a senior and realised that she was using an iphone X .

CSO: “hello Madam, I see that you are a smartphone user! That’s great, you would need to download our app to access the full range of information.”

Senior: “app? What app?!” (Senior glancing at her phone)

CSO: “you got to go to the App Store and search for the app and..”

Senior: “wait wait, I don’t know what you are talking about. I use this phone to call my Daughter only..”

CSO: “There.. thereee.. ” (pointing to the phone) you got to go to your App Store and then search for our app and then download it. It’s easy. All the information will be there after that.”

Senior: “Wait wait. Where is this store? How do I get there? And what is this App that you keep referring to?!

CSO: “erm, the apps on your iPhone?”

Senior: “this?! (Shaking the iphone) For your information young man, my Daughter gave me this so that she can call me.”


Communication is not a one-way street, active listening is involved, and if we don’t listen in to the people around us, how do we then create products that people would buy? How do we channel the right information to our customers? How do we meet the needs of our customers?


What would you do differently?

